The days are long, but the years are short. I remember hearing this saying countless times when my children were young. However, these days I am very appreciative that my days feel long. It means I get more time with my sons and those I care about most… and more time doing what I love which is making a positive difference in people’s lives!

One of my favorite memories of 2018 was the Baja Bound service trip during Spring Break. My youngest son and I spent several rewarding days building a home for a family less fortunate in Ensenada. Having the opportunity to (literally and figuratively) build a better life for this family anddirectly connect with them and their community is undoubtedly one of the most impactful and fulfilling experiences that he and I could share!

As the years seemingly get shorter, I become more and more grateful for the personal and professional relationships that continue to develop as each year passes. I truly value these connections and feel blessed to have such an amazing network of clients, partners, and friends!

GTD Image Consulting continues to grow and I am excited to unlock the possibilities with this unparalleled team of experts. Heather Elkin joined GTD as our Image Marketing Specialist. Her fresh perspective along with her background in marketing, advertising and branding have been an immediate asset to everything GTD.

I was honored and thrilled to participate in Southbay magazine’s “The Future is Female” event with strong women leaders and business owners in our community. Such an inspiration to be surrounded by accomplished women making a notable impact!

GTD is further expanding into the greater Los Angeles area and I have the distinguished honor of being asked by Dreams magazine to be their premiere fashion columnist! Be on the lookout in 2019 for my seasonal updates showcasing top designers and style trends for your luxury lifestyle!

I wish the years stopped flying by, but I am thankful for the opportunity to look back on 2018 with gratitude and look forward to 2019 with purpose! Wishing you peace, love and fashion this holiday season!
