
I hope you had a wonderful summer! For me, when fall hits and the kids are finally back in school, it gets me motivated to address that long list of projects I put aside during the summer. You know the one! The first thing I love to do is to go through what I call a “seasonal refresh” of my closet and wardrobe and get organized for the change in weather (besides who doesn’t need an excuse to make room for some new fall fashions?)

Below are my 3 tips on how to complete a “seasonal-refresh” on your own:

Review and store

Review clothing you wore during the summer. Inspect the clothes for any stains or rips. If you need to replace an item, make a note of it for your summer shopping list. Launder or dry-clean any necessary items, then either store the items away for next year or move them to a less accessible place in your closet (for instance the top shelf or towards the back end of the clothes rack.)
*Dry cleaning and washing any soiled items is so important before storing your clothes, this is when permanent stains set in!

Review and repair or replace

Review the clothes and shoes you wore last fall. Are any of them damaged or in need of repair or re-soling? If the item can’t be repaired, now is the time to replace it. Every man and womanshould know an alterations specialist, dry-cleaner and a shoe cobbler, this way you can extend the lifespan of your clothes and shoes! Are any of the items perhaps out-of-date or they just don’t fit any longer? Donate or sell your clothes and make some room in your closet!


After you have reviewed your clothes and accessories for fall, now is the time to organize. Place similar items together: jeans with jeans, knits with knits and so on. This way you can mix and match
and create complete looks in a lot less time!

Need some more inspiration?

Check out Elle Decor’s Gallery of Celebrity Closets.

My best for your organized success,


See GTD Image Consulting at Work
