Take a minute to actually look in your closet and even open your drawers. If your wardrobe isn’t filling you with pride, satisfaction, inspiration and peace of mind, it just might be time to turn to the professionals!

Would you believe most people wear only 20-25% of their wardrobe? (Pretty sure this explains why so many of us complain we have nothing to wear!) More often than not, it’s difficult to say goodbye to something you are emotionally attached to. Whether you remember the thrill of buying the item on sale, feel guilty for not wearing it, or quite simply get overwhelmed with the decision-making process… these emotions are super powerful and can be extremely paralyzing.

GTD Image Consulting can help in a cathartic, smart and systematic way. Here are some exclusive, insider tips to get you started…


Wardrobe 101

You wouldn’t invest blindly in the stock market… Don’t invest blindly in your wardrobe! GTD works with you to uncover and comprehend your specific likes and dislikes, recognize common themes, identify your lifestyle needs, fashion preferences, color scheme, and much more!

Trimming the 75-80%

It can be quite the dilemma… keep, repair, donate, toss or sell? GTD will identify the items you consistently wear, flag the keepers that require mending services, donate the trendy items that are no longer in style, and toss anything that is stained, ripped or just plain old looking. We will even sell the designer items you are ready to part with… and you just might rake in some cold, hard cash without even lifting a finger!

Getting it Together

Like the saying goes: Out of sight, out of mind. GTD rebuilds your closet so your wardrobe sells itself with designated areas that are easy to see and easy to access: coats, dresses, pants, skirts, blouses, sweaters, etc. Items are color-coded within each category so you can coordinate stylish and cohesive outfits with ease and efficiency.

Turn to the Experts

GTD will help you save time, money and regret… and, more importantly, help you maximize your wardrobe with clothes that inspire you! Call in the experts to take control of your wardrobe to make it work for YOU today! For additional information on wardrobe services and advice, visit us online at: GayleTheodoraDrake.com/blog.

About GTD

Gayle Theodora Drake, owner of GTD IMAGE CONSULTING, is a highly trusted source in fashion and style in the South Bay, as well as the greater Los Angeles area. GTD works with women and men of all ages and backgrounds who want to invest in their image and how they would like to be perceived by their network of friends and peers.

“GTD monetized my wardrobe! From setting the price to handling the transaction, they liquidated my items for top dollar! Working with GTD is like a gift that keeps on giving!” —Katie Fulmer


Contact Gayle Today to Schedule a Style Consultation:

310.612.8095 | Gayle@GayleTheodoraDrake.com www.GayleTheodoraDrake.com